Sustainability & EnvironmentalEnvironmentalEnvironmentalConsultancy

We get that change is not easy. But we must be brave, challenge old ways, set new habits, embrace new thinking.

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Sustainability & Environmental consultancy

In order to avoid future catastrophic climate change, we need to urgently and significantly reduce our emissions of greenhous gases. One of the ways to do this is to manage ecosystems and habits that act as acitical natural carbon sinks.

TCG Africa

We at TCG Africa aim to support African economies

in mitigating the impact of climate change through land restoration and sustainable land-use in sub-Saharan Africa. We work closely with National and Devolved Governments as well as local communities in designing and implementing interventions that mitigate against adverse effects of global warming, desertification and improper land-use.

Discover TCG

Restoring and expanding ecosystems

We implement interventions that mitigate against adverse effects of global warming, desertification and improper land-use.

Our Locations

Oaknet Business, 2nd Fl
GA House, Upperhill.

Give Us A Call

+254 709 596000
+254 709 596000