What is TCG Africa?

About TCG Africa?

We at TCGAfrica aim to support African economies in mitigating the impact of climate change through land restoration and sustainable land-use in sub-Saharan Africa. We work closely with National and Devolved Governments as well as local communities in designing and implementing interventions that mitigate against adverse effects of global warming, desertification and improper land-use.

Jointly with development partners, our mission is to undertake impactful programs sustaining natural ecosystems for the benefit of mankind. We have built cutting edge Program management and Monitoring and evaluation tools that assist management and decision makers to demonstrate results of our impactful programs.

The easiest and, in many ways, the best way to remove atmospheric carbon dioxide is via forests, land and oceans, so via natural ecosystems. If we can restore degraded ecosystems to their previous intact states, this will increase the carbon stored in these ecosystems. Restoring and expanding ecosystems and planting new forests will remove emissions from the atmosphere — although not on long enough time scales to justify burning more fossil fuels.